No, they are not punk in the "man the government sucks" kind of way. I mean like the story world building punk. Like steampunk, diseal punk, atomic punk, biopunk, and so on. The main story of this project will be about a line of inventors called the Pears and their Hard work making their own specific robot. So like the pear inventor from around 1920 would be the inventor of the disealpunk robot; and all the up to modern day, were all the robots have come together to write music.
America is pretty cool, i'm mostly saying that because I live there. A piece of american culture that is quite cool. Is the difference of the south and north. They both have some pretty big differences if you been to both sides. I mostly got this idea when (me, who is from a slightly southern place of America), went up north for vacation. The difference of culture was interesting and some reasson the concepts of romance was inside my mind. So uhhh, yeah the whole story idea is about a chick from the deep south falling in love with a guy from the high north
Living in a 3d space is pretty annoying, so much extra stuff like a whole new dimension. What if someone made a game where you were a flat 2d object walking around a flat world. I can't fully write what I mean by this so erm. read flatlands and that explains what I mean by this
sorry about the strong title. So what if like life was split into two social groups. the smart losers at the top and the buff awesome people at the bottom. Then like a small group of those buff people (and a robot) rose up against the smart guys. Do I wanna make this story so I can write about strong tomboy chicks,, yeahhhh.